PRE-K Tutoring

Windermere Tutoring is providing professional Pre-K tutors for kids. Tutors for Preschool and kindergarten students are very important because they are the persons who make the base of children. The base is very helpful for their future learning
Windermere Tutoring has a great team of tutors for Preschool and kindergarten with years of experience. They help the kids to make their good base with their broad knowledge and experience.
Our Tutors can help the kids to clear their concepts and to teach them how they improve their skills. Almost everything young children do in the preschool and kindergarten years supports their emerging language and literacy skills. When children have access to reading and writing materials at home and at their child care or Head Start program, they will incorporate literacy in their play.
Many young children explore literacy play on their own, with little need for encouragement from adults. Other children need the one-on-one attention of a tutor to help them make literacy discoveries such as print is talk written down, reading books is fun and interesting, and printed words carry messages to the reader.
Below are some tutoring strategies for working with children in preschool and kindergarten. They include:
Reading aloud
Talking with children
Writing with children
These strategies may also be appropriate for older children in an earlier phase of literacy development.
Read-aloud sessions involve much more than saying words and turning pages. When you express your own excitement about the pictures, story, setting, and characters, the child will be excited too. With your guidance, the child can learn to make meaning from the words and expand his or her understanding and enjoyment of the story.
Looking for the details in the pictures, talking about what might happen next, and discussing how the story relates to the child's real-life experiences are important parts of read-aloud sessions.